Impact Team Tennis (ITT) reserves the right to change rules at any time without notice.

All ITT matches are governed by The International Tennis Federation’s Rules of Tennis and USTA interpretations which are located in the USTA Friend at Court except for the specific ITT rules that are listed below. ITT Local League Directors have the authority to institute any local rules or regulations to make sure that the league operates smoothly and safely as long as they aren’t specifically addressed in the Rules of Tennis or the ITT  League Rules listed below:

 – Scoring in a Game

In ITT the scoring is no-ad. This means a game is won by the first team to win four points (1,2,3, game). When the game score is deuce (3-3) (game point), the receiving team chooses which side is to receive the serve. In the mixed doubles set the serve must be gender to gender at game point.

-Service Lets

At the Regional Championship and National levels, lets will be played. When a serve hits the net and bounces within the service court, the ball is playable. In doubles, either player on the receiving side may return the ball after it bounces. If any player on the court calls “let” he/she loses the point. This is optional at the local level.

 – Score in a set

A match consists of six no-ad sets and includes one set of men’s and women’s singles and doubles, and two sets of mixed doubles. Mixed doubles is always played last.  The six set format is the STANDARD Impact Team Tennis format used at all ITT Regional Championships and the ITT Nationals.

On two courts, order of sets will be:

  • women’s and men’s doubles
  • women’s and men’s singles
  • one or two sets of mixed doubles

On one court, order of sets will be:

  • doubles *
  • singles
  • doubles
  • singles
  • one or two sets of mixed doubles

* Home team captain has choice of sequence of sets (men’s or women’s). Each no-ad set is won by the first team to reach six games. A nine-point tiebreaker will be played at five games all in any set. It is imperative that you adhere to the Impact Team Tennis rules. The only deviations possible will be extending the sets to an eight or ten game pro set provided ALL sets are extended and the nine-point tiebreaker, the thirteen-point Super Tiebreak and the Overtime rules are enforced. All “local” league rules will be superseded by existing ITT rules at the Regional Championships and ITT Nationals.

  1. SUBSTITUTIONS: A team can at any point, INCLUDING THE SUPER TIEBREAK, substitute a player (same gender) into a set for any reason. Once a player is replaced, he/she cannot return in that set and players cannot play in both mixed doubles. If a substitution occurs in doubles, the remaining player cannot change the side on which he/she receives or the service order. Substitutions are allowed in Overtime if a player has not already played in mixed doubles. The Super tiebreak should be treated as a new set, and all substitutions are allowed.
  2. WARM-UP TIME: In ITT you warm up with your teammates. All players are allowed a ten minute warm-up. All team members are encouraged to warm-up during this time. Once play has begun, a five minute warm-up is allowed between sets. This must be adhered to so that all sets will be completed in the time allotted.
  3. DEFAULT RULE: If the home or away team player does not show up on time for his/her match, there will be a 15 minute default time should a substitute player not be available. If a set is defaulted, the score should be recorded as 6-0 in favor of the players present. The default rule will not apply when the missing player is on court playing a previous match. If the home or away team does not show up on time for the match, there will be a 15 minute default time. If a match is defaulted, the match score should be recorded as 36-0 in favor of the team present. If a player retires during a set and cannot be substituted, the score will be recorded with the games played standing with the opposing team receiving six games.
  4. RECOMMENDATION FOR BREAKING TIES FOR LEAGUE WINNER: Final standings will be determined as follows: teams with the best overall win/loss match record will be placed higher in order of finish. If there is a tie in the final standings between two teams, the following tiebreaking procedures will apply:
    1. The tie will be broken in favor of the team with the most direct wins over the tying team.2. If a tie still exists, it will be broken in favor of the team with the best overall winning percentage (total games won divided by total games played).3. If a tie still exists, the team which has won the most total games overall will be given precedence.4. If a tie still exists, it will be broken by the team who has lost the least amount of total games overall.5. If a tie still exists, a Supertiebreaker will be played. If there is a tie in the final standings between three or more teams AND none of the tying teams has won all matches against all tying opponents, the same tiebreaking procedures above will apply beginning with step 2. If a team has won all matches against all tying opponents then they will be placed higher in order of finish. It is assumed all teams will play all of their scheduled matches. If a team defaults an entire match during round robin play, then all matches of that team played or to be played, will not count. If all teams in contention for the championship have already played the defaulting team in good faith, the matches stand as played.
  5. COURT ASSIGNMENT FOR SETS: Sets 1, 3 and 5 on the ITT scorecard will be played on the same court while sets 2, 4 and 6 will be played on the same court when you are playing the 6 set format. If a mixed doubles team plays on the wrong court, the games that have been played will stand and the error will be rectified immediately and play continue. If the sets have been completed, the scores will stand and games won will be recorded in the appropriate location based on the rule stated above.
  6. DETERMINING RATINGS OF PLAYERS AND THE APPROPRIATE DIVISION FOR A TEAM: All players must have an NTRP rating. Ratings from the start of the local league will be used. Since all sections do not use the “early start ratings”, they will not be recognized by ITT. If at the start of the local league a player does not have a rating on file with the USTA , ITT will accept a self-rating. This self-rating is subject to the approval of the local league director and the ITT National Office upon completion of a USTA Player Profile sheet.


  1. Winning teams of any official ITT local league division are eligible to attend one (1) Regional Championship within 12 months from the date their local league ends. Teams may also compete in the championship immediately following the 12 months. If the winning team is unable to compete in any Regional Championship within the 12 months plus the immediate tournament, they may be replaced by the second place team. For every four (4) teams in any official ITT local league division, one (1) team will qualify to attend a Regional Championship.
  2. Ratings from the start of the local league will be used.
    • If at the start of the local league a player has a computer generated rating, that player will be allowed to compete at the Regional Championship with that rating.
    • If at the start of the local league a player does not have a computer generated rating:
      • And does not have a rating at the time of the Regional Championship, ITT will accept a self-rating. This self-rating is subject to the approval of the local league director and the ITT National Office upon completion of the USTA Player Profile.
      • But has an accepted rating (either a self-rating or computer rating) for USTA league play at the time of the Regional Championship, that player will compete at the Regional Championship with that rating. However, if an accepted self-rating was adjusted with the year end computer ratings, that player will be able to compete in the Regional Championship with their initial self-rating.
    • If a player has been disqualified at their current rating prior to the Regional Championship that player must compete at the Regional Championship at their adjusted rating.
    • For teams that enter a Regional Championship and have players on the team who have had their rating adjusted more than 1/2 a point, they must compete in the Regional Championship at their adjusted rating. The team may choose to either play at the level based on the current average of the top two men and top two women with the adjusted players or they can stay at their previous level and remove those players from their roster.
    • If a player has had their rating adjusted after the Regional Championship and that player is attending the ITT Nationals, the player will be allowed to play the ITT Nationals with their Regional Championship rating.
    • Ratings will only be accepted on a .5 basis (i.e., 3.5, not 3.4).
    • The average NTRP rating of the TOP two men and TOP two women is used to determine a team’s level of competition.
    • No team may carry a player more than one NTRP point above the division entered.
  3. Each participant must be a registered Impact Team Tennis player. All participants must be at least 18 years of age prior to the start of the Regional Championship. Participants in the Senior divisions must be at least 50 years of age or turn 50 within the calendar year. Participants in the Super Senior division must be at least 60 years of age or turn 60 within the calendar year.
  4. Teams entering the Senior and Super Senior divisions qualify to attend a Regional Championship by either winning their local league or tournament (if one is available), or by assembling a team if a local league or tournament is not available. If a team is assembled, the current NTRP ratings of the players must be used.
  5. Only those players registered on the original local league roster* are eligible to play at a Regional Championship. All players from the original roster must have played at least two (2) local ITT matches for their qualifying team. All teams must have played at least three (3) matches. There is a maximum of 10 rostered players, including the alternate, per Regional Championship team.* Each team will be allowed to add one (1) alternate player to their Regional Championship roster as long as he/she is registered and played in at least two (2) matches in any official ITT local league within 14 months of the Regional  Championship your team wishes to participate in. If the alternate is coming from the league/season in which the team qualified, then the alternate player is able to use their rating from the start of the local league (unless their rating has been adjusted more than 1/2 a point). If the alternate is coming from a league/season that is different than the league/season that the team qualified, they must use the most current rating on file.
  6. Teams are guaranteed a minimum of two (2) matches (weather permitting). If weather does not permit ANY play, 75% of the entry fee will be refunded. The five set (one court) format may be used in case of rain.
  7. With the exception of the Super Senior division, the STANDARD ITT format will be used (six sets; two courts; six games per set; no-ad scoring; nine-point tiebreaker at five games all; play service lets). Super Seniors will not play singles and will play eight games per set with a nine-point tiebreaker at seven games all.
  8. If a team drops from competition after the entry deadline & before the schedule is completed, 50% of the entry fee will be refunded. The entry fee will not be refunded once the schedule is completed.
  9. If an additional team is needed to fill a division, a WILD CARD ENTRY may be accepted. ITT retains the right to make a decision on the WILD CARD ENTRY.
  10. Photo I.D. cards will be checked prior to the participant playing in their first match of the tournament and may also be checked periodically during the tournament. Waiver forms will be signed and collected by ITT staff prior to the participant playing in their first match of the tournament.
  11. Teams must have a minimum of four (4) players to begin competition. If however, a player is injured or ill during tournament play, the team will be allowed to compete with a minimum of three (3) players.
  12. A participant may compete on two (2) teams at the same Regional Championship as long as the teams are in different divisions. No special scheduling will be done to accommodate these players.
  13. No alcohol consumption is allowed on the courts during tournament play.
  14. If there are any problems during the match (i.e. format question, scoring problem, etc.) stop play immediately and locate the official and/or Tournament Director.
  15. Only rostered players, including a non-playing captain, may be on court during tournament play. Spectators are not allowed on the court at any time while tournament play is in progress.
  16. Scorecard completion: men’s and women’s doubles must be filled out first; both singles sets must be filled out by the end of the five (5) minute break following the men’s and women’s doubles (if not before) and the two (2) mixed doubles sets must be filled out by the end of the five (5) minute break following the two (2) singles sets (if not before).
  17. Once a scorecard is signed and submitted to the Tournament Director, no scores will be reversed. It is the responsibility of both captains to check the scorecards very carefully.
  18. The USTA Code of Conduct will be followed. The USTA Point-Penalty System will be accessed by an official and will be cumulative throughout the match.
  19. Actual games played will be used to determine a team’s winning percentage.
  20. Awards will be presented to Champion and Finalist team members present at the Regional Championship.
  21. Once a player has participated on a team that has won a Regional Championship,  they are not able to compete in another Regional Championship in the same division within the calendar year. They may participate in another Impact Team Tennis Regional Championship in a different division within the calendar year.
  22. The Tournament Director has the FINAL decision.


  1. The top team in each division from each Regional Championship will qualify for the Nationals. (If for some reason the first place team is unable to attend, then the second place team becomes eligible, if ITT decides to use this discretion).
  2. Teams must attend the Nationals in the same year as the Regional Championship they qualified from.
  3. Teams participating in the Nationals must compete in the same playing level in which they qualified from at the Regional Championship.
  4. Photo I.D. cards will be checked prior to the participant playing in their first match of the tournament and may also be checked periodically during the tournament. Waiver forms will be signed and collected by ITT staff prior to the participant playing in their first match of the tournament.
  5. If a player has had their rating adjusted after the Regional Championship and that player is attending the ITT Nationals, the player will be allowed to play the Impact Team Tennis Nationals with their Regional Championship rating.
  6. ONLY those players listed on the Regional Championship entry are eligible to play in the ITT Nationals. There is a maximum of 10 rostered players per National team.
  7. If additional teams are needed to fill a division, WILD CARD ENTRIES may be accepted. ITT retains the right to make a decision on the WILD CARD ENTRY.
  8. The STANDARD ITT format will be used (6-set format; 6-games/set; no-ad scoring; 9-point tiebreaker at 5 games all; play service lets).
  9. Teams are guaranteed a minimum of two (2) matches (weather permitting). If weather does not permit ANY play, 75% of the entry fee will be refunded. The five set (one court) format may be used in case of rain.
  10. Teams must have a minimum of four (4) players to begin competition. If however, a player is injured or ill during tournament play, the team will be allowed to compete with a minimum of three (3) players.
  11. A participant may compete on two teams at the Nationals as long as the teams are in different divisions. No special scheduling will be done to accommodate these players.
  12. No alcohol consumption is allowed on the courts during tournament play.
  13. All participants must be 18 years and older (must be 18 at the time of the event). Players competing in the Senior Division must turn 50 during the calendar year. Players competing in the Super Senior Division must turn 60 during the calendar year.
  14. If there are any problems during the match (i.e. format question, scoring problem, etc.) stop play immediately and locate the official and/or Tournament Director.
  15. The USTA Code of Conduct will be followed. The USTA Point-Penalty System will be accessed by an official and will be cumulative throughout the match.
  16. Only rostered players, including a non-playing captain, may be on court during tournament play. Spectators are not allowed on the court at any time while tournament play is in progress.
  17. Scorecard completion: men’s and women’s doubles must be filled out first; both singles sets must be filled out by the end of the 5 minute break following the men’s and women’s doubles (if not before) and the 2 mixed doubles sets must be filled out by the end of the 5 minute break following the 2 singles sets (if not before).
  18. Once a scorecard is signed and submitted to the Tournament Director, no scores will be reversed. It is the responsibility of both captains to check the scorecards very carefully.
  19. Actual games played will be used to determine a team’s winning percentage.
  20. Awards will be presented to Champion and Finalist team members present at the ITT Nationals.
  21. The Tournament Director has the FINAL decision.


  1. Regional X TeamTennis events will take place in May/June/July across the U.S.
  2. There will be both a Main Draw and a Consolation draw, guaranteeing 2 matches per team.
  3. Deadline: 2 weeks prior to the event.
  4. ALL PARTICIPANTS will receive a free USTA Membership and a t-shirt.
  5. High schools are NOT limited to one team – enter as many teams as you like.
  6. Players must play for the same high school; or if it is an all-boys or all-girls school, they must partner with a player from another all-girls or all-boys school.
  7. The high school coach is not required to attend; however, one parent/adult supervisor is required to chaperone and assist.


A match is played on two courts and consists of eight no-ad sets (the eight-set format is a variation of the standard six-set format). These sets include: one set of boy’s doubles, one set of girl’s doubles, two sets of boy’s singles, two sets of girl’s singles, and two sets of mixed doubles. Each no-ad set will be won by the first team to reach six games. A ninepoint tiebreaker will be played at five games all in any set (see explanation of tiebreakers).


The winner of the match will be the team that wins the most games. However, for purposes of determining whether a match will go into overtime, set number eight will be the deciding factor. (Strongest mixed doubles team should be designated as set number eight before match begins.) Players cannot play in both mixed doubles sets. After both mixed doubles sets are finished and scores are totaled, the procedure is as follows:

A. If the leading team won set number eight, the match is over.

B. If the trailing team won set number eight, the match continues into overtime until the leading team wins one game or until the score is tied. (See Super Tiebreak.)

C. If the overall score ends tied, you automatically begin the Super Tiebreak. Overtime will be started by the team that played in set number eight.


A team can, at any point, substitute a player (same gender) into a set for any reason. Once a player is replaced, he/she cannot return in that set. If a substitution occurs in doubles, the remaining player cannot change the side on which they receive or the service order. Substitutions are allowed in overtime (if a player has not already played in mixed doubles) and the Super Tiebreak. Once a player has come out of the mixed doubles set, a player cannot return in overtime as it is the same set. Once a player’s name has been listed on a score card, it counts as him/her having played in that match. Substitutions may be made in the singles events; however, a player who has played in one singles event may not play in another (i.e. player who plays in boy’s singles #1 may not substitute into boy’s singles #2).


The home team serves first in girl’s doubles, girl’s singles #1, boy’s singles #1 and mixed doubles set #8. The away team serves first in boy’s doubles, girl’s singles #2, boy’s singles #2 and mixed doubles set #7. The initial receiver has the choice of sides in each set.


A match consists of five no-ad sets and includes men’s singles and doubles, women’s singles and doubles, and one set of mixed doubles. (Mixed doubles is always played last.) The five set format is the recommended format used at the USTA National Campus Championship. Each no-ad set is won by the first team to reach six games. A nine-point tiebreaker will be played at five games all in any set (see explanation of tiebreakers).

    • On two courts, order of sets will be: men’s and women’s doubles, men’s and women’s singles, finishing with mixed doubles.
    • On one court, order of sets will be: doubles, singles, doubles, singles finishing with mixed doubles. Home team captain has a choice of sequence of sets—men’s or women’s.


A roster player may play in only two sets per match whether as a starter or a substitute (excluding the Super Tiebreak).

3. USTA Rules apply to the “Let Serve”